Nicholas Thor Page

Computer Science Student at George Mason University

Resume (PDF)

About Me

My name is Nicholas Thor Page, and I am currently a Junior at George Mason University, majoring in Computer science. I have lots of programming experience, and I love learning new programming languages or frameworks. I primarily focus on the backend side of things, but I am more than willing to learn how to be a better frontend/fullstack developer. I strive to write code that is both efficient and easy to understand.


I am currently working as a lead developer for a small game studio that is currently focusing on using the Roblox game engine. We are currently working on a yet-to-be-released game with plans to continue support with content updates upon full release.

In the past I have also worked at George Mason University as an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant. My duties involved aiding in instruction for weekly Computer Science labs, and answering students' questions on classes' online forums. The classes for which I was an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant focused on the C programming language, using the Unix operating system, and general software engineering.


This Website

Written by hand in pure HTML/CSS.

School Projects

Due to the George Mason Computer Science Honor Code, I cannot give public access to any code I've written for a class, or details about any projects created by my professors. If you wish to see some of the many such projects I've completed in the past 4 years, please contact me so we can figure out how to best-facilitate your access.


EXAPUNKS is a game made by ZACHTRONICS (not me) where players solve problems by writing programs in a fantasy assembly-like language. In addition to the base challenges, I have completed various player-created challenges as well. The following are some of my favorite programs I've made in this game:

  • "Brainfuck" interpreter.
  • Prime Factorizor (Splits integers into their prime factors)
  • I have also made it a personal goal to make a solution for every level in the game using at most as few lines as the top 1% of player solutions. That is, my line count is lower than 99% of other players' solutions. I've succeeded in all but a handful of levels at this point.

    Password Generator

    Using a combination of a master password and the website name, seeds a random string generator to create unique passwords for websites. Also allows for custom alphabet sets for different password rules. Written in Lua and wxLua.

    Image to Minecraft Skin

    A Python program that prompts the users to select a rectangular area on two images, and creates a Minecraft skin depicting the selected portions of those images.

    Pocket Recipes

    Web/mobile application. Developed by myself and three of my peers, it aims to be an app where users can find recipes and organize them in user-created "cookbooks" for their future convenience. Uses Flutter for frontend, Java Spring for backend, and MongoDB for data storage.

    As previously-mentioned, please contact me if you wish to see the code for this project.

    Trill - A LISP for Music

    A Java program created by myself and another student where a user can write multiple LISP programs that run in parallel to send MIDI signals.

    As previously-mentioned, please contact me if you wish to see the code for this project.

    Contact Me

  • Phone (Mobile): +1(434)218-8241
  • Email: